Health Literacy for Health Equity
Research graph icon in a circle


Healthy People 2030 logo

We engage researchers, policymakers, funders, patients, and healthcare organizations to advance our research agenda, which aligns with five Healthy People 2030 objectives developed by the Health Communication and Health Information Technology Workgroup. 


AHIMA Foundation Research Agenda

Number one


Increase the proportion of adults offered online access to their medical record. (HC/HIT 06)

number two


Increase the proportion of adults who use IT to track healthcare data or communicate with providers. (HC/HIT 07)

Number three


Increase the proportion of people who can view, download, and send their electronic health information. (HC/HIT D09)

Number four


Increase the proportion of people who say their online medical record is easy to understand. (HC/HIT D10)

Number five


Increase the health literacy of the population. (HC/HIT R01)






**If you are a health system, hospital, clinic, nonprofit organization, a private company, or academic researcher interested in collaborating with AHIMA Foundation on a research project or getting involved in one of our active projects, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at

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